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Techniques - Written by Miles Spencer

How to make strong brewed coffee

Strong coffee is different for different connoisseurs. For some, it could be that it's made with extra dark coffee beans. For others, it might be that it packs a caffeine punch with each sip. Other coffee drinkers might describe strong brewed coffee as having a very intense flavour.

No matter which group you fall into, if you like your coffee really strong, learning how to brew it at home can help you get exactly what you want. So, how is that done without a lot of hassle?

Strong coffee typically results from using coffee beans that are dark roasted. Check the types of coffee your supplier provides as the strength of flavour will be indicated. You can buy your coffee already roasted and ground or purchase green coffee beans to roast and grind them yourself. This enables you to get the perfect level of darkness for your strong brewed coffee.

Grinding the beans yourself also impacts the strength of your coffee. You want the grounds to be an ideal size for dissolving in the water as you brew it. Too big and not enough coffee flavour will be imparted into the water, leaving you with a weak tasting drink. Check which type of grounds works best for your brewing method. There are four basic grades of grounds, each of which works better for a level of taste and method of making your coffee.

Use very hot water when you brew your strong coffee. This brings out the taste of the beans, resulting in a more intense flavour. Hot water also ensures that the grounds dissolve all the way so you're getting the most flavour from them.

Still craving a stronger cup of coffee? One of the easiest ways to achieve this is to use more grounds. Increasing the ratio of water to grounds is naturally going to result in a stronger taste when your coffee is finished brewing. Experiment to find the perfect ratio for your personal tastes.

Mix and match these methods and have some fun trying out different things. Along the way, you're sure to discover the perfect technique for getting the strong brewed coffee you want.

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